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Release 5 - 1/20/05

  • My Page
    • Fixed for lists that don't start with a number
    • Reorganized lists into 2 columns
  • All Shows
    • Fixed for lists that don't start with a number
  • Add Show goes to Show View page

Release 4 - 1/17/05

  • Stats
    • "Most Watched" now displays User Count
    • "New Shows" expanded to 10 shows
  • My Page
    • Added "Watch Recently (last 14 days)" list

Release 3

  • Stats
    • Top Users - Entries
    • Most Watched Shows

Release 2

  • Edit Episode Entries
  • Admin Edit All Entries
  • Alphabetical Sections for All Shows View

Release 1 - 12/10/04

  • Show View
  • All Shows
  • Stats
    • Site Statistics
    • Personal Statistics